365 Days of Photos – Day 132

We attended Tina’s Nephew’s college graduation tonight.

He graduated from Texas State University. A small river (San Marcus River) runs through the campus. It is the school’s tradition for the recent graduates to jump into the river after the graduation ceremony.

This is Peyton’s jump in the river!

Peyton's graduation jump

Peyton’s graduation jump

9 thoughts on “365 Days of Photos – Day 132

    1. treerabold Post author

      The river has a swift current but it’s not too deep. We were actually concerned it was too shallow…..but everyone jumped safely.

    1. treerabold Post author

      Yes….when I first heard about this tradition I couldn’t quite picture it. I wasn’t sure if everyone jumped together or in their dress clothes. I learned it was done individually whenever each kid chose…..hopefully with family and friends watching!
      Peyton came prepared. He had a pair of shorts on under his clothes. He stripped down to robe, miter board and shorts! (Oh yes I have the stripping pics too!!

      1. joannesisco

        I noticed he had shorts on so I figured that the goal was to go in with the gown … not the dress clothes!!
        Not sure what the rental company must think of that πŸ™‚

  1. roweeee

    Brilliant photo Tree which really does the moment justice. I’ve popped by to nominate you for the 5 Day photographic challenge…Inguess that could mean 2 photos a dqy if you like. The details are on my blog. I haven’t quite posted it yet but http://www.beyondtheflow.com Hope you are well xx Rowena


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